
Showing posts from May, 2018

When you Feel it from heart you need no Vision

This is about a visit to Dagaduseth Temple in Pune, Yes I know its very normal and common thing to visit this temple and yes I have been there many times but this time it was totally a different experience. Why So? Read below to know :-p It was sunday 14th May, and i was very much excited to meet one of my school friend Manish Jaiswal visually impared and a very talented guy works in NIA delhi, we studied together in same school just for an year in that too it was just Hi- Hello we exchanged once, but thanks to facebook we connected  again and then in whatsapp so it's been few months since we were in contact and suddenly i got to know from him he is coming to pune i was damn excited to meet him. so the day came i directly went to the marriege hall where he came to attend his friend's wedding. I gave him a call " Hello Manish I reached to the destination where are you ?" and he said "you directly come inside I am sitting on chair just see me and come t