19th November A day to remember for all Men

Happy Men's Day!!

Yes, you read it right :-D. It is19th November  ,International Men's Day....
 I just thought to write this as we(women) get so many wishes on womens' day from everyone but no one remembers Men's day so this is for all of the Men's.
As it is day to wish all the mens' I thought to wish every men in my contact list, I wished almost 200 mens' in my contact list "Happy Men's Day" with a beautiful picture as well, it was just as wishing someone happy birthday or some other congratulations message and I was expecting a thank you message or just a smiley in return but i was surprised to get these responses from almost 50 of them, some of those I am writing below,

"Aisa bhi kuch hota hai kya"

"Kasam se aisa bhi koi day hota hai"

"Mens' Day bhi hota hai ye aaj pata chala"

"Aaj rahta hai kya??"

"You are the only one to wish me :)"

"You are the first one to wish me:

"oh aisa bhi day hota hai"

"Kuch bhi" (this was my favourite, this person thought that i am  just joking :P)

and many more like this............ and very few thank you message in return :p

The conclusion was very few people know that we have "International Men's Day" as well in our calendar.

So this blog I would like to dedicated to all the men who are reading this. I wish you all  A VERY VERY HAPPY MEN'S DAY :-) , and yes this day exists even if no one celebrates this or till now if no one has wished you still the day is all yours. :)

And to all the ladies who are reading this you can wish your dad, husband, brother , friends or even those person whom you don't know wish them a very happy men's day and bring smile on their faces.

As today I went to 3-4 shops to buy some household things and I wished them and every men I met today I wished them happy men's day reminding them that yes this day exists and  aaj hi hai mens day. yes I got some surprising faces after I wished them and soon those converted into smiley one. :) 


  1. Thank u neelu....U did great job on behalf of all mens..Thank u so so much..

  2. Thanks neelam ! It made me both surprise and smile 😊

  3. Superb girl, wish you all the luck and best wishes. Always keep putting smiles on the faces and 10x times you will get back. You are different and best.

    1. Thanks Neeraj..and Rijul you both always remind me the wishes you send on women's Day and that greeting card with a lovely message.. :-)

  4. Good blog and initiative...you are a face of Change.
    Keep turning the things into positive...
    The more positive energy we put in, the more we get back..
    Thanks once again

  5. Neelam.. Energetic yaar ye tow.. padke acha laga hai bahut..

    1. Or mujhe tumhari Hindi padh ke achha laga.. :-D bahot achha likha hai.. :-)

  6. Mera bhi comment hai 😝😝😝😝😝

  7. Thanks Neelam. Really UR motivation for other's. I know you since was in Accenture but still i remember and appreciate what things you do parallel with project work, like anath ashram visiting with own interest and energy, company's internal activities and this one for all men and so many others.
    Really thank you so much. Good job, keep it. God blessed you.


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